Meet The Lucid Oracle—Cailín J. Callaghan
"Hello and welcome. I'd like to tell you some of the experiences that make me uniquely qualified to help you escape the wheel of reincarnation and the tyranny of your mind which, these days, so relentlessly attacks our peace. At the age of twenty in 1978, I died in a freak accident with horses which sent me on a trip to the Lustrous Vast of Quantum Imminence. There, I was met by the guide whom I had, five years before, dismissed as merely the imaginary friend of my childhood. He, The Daemon Michael, is the source Consciousness from which I spring into this world venue, and he and I operate in a few other venues together as well, while my body is sleeping here in Earth Venue.
When I met him in the Lustrous Vast, T. D. Michael gave me a life review and a revelation of what I, and the remainder of Humanity, were doing that was/is destroying our happiness and preventing our access to all the powers of our "godly estate."
Empowered by this revelation, and inspired by the Divine Love I became while in the Lustrous Vast, I wielded my Will to literally raise my body from the dead. (It's not hard to do when you know what you are and what the Earth is.) My body had died from head trauma when a stallion had kicked me in the face, knocking me from the back of the running mare I'd been astride, chasing that stallion. My form lay in a pasture with my friend running towards it. As she stood over my still corpse, thinking I was dead and wondering what to do since we were so isolated, I, like a gusting whirlwind of Will, reinhabited my body, and my eyes popped open.
I started right away trying to deliver to the world the Liberating Perspective The Daemon Michael had given me, but it was 1978, and the world was not ready—not yet acquainted, for the majority of people, with the Quantum principles I/We had to offer.
The world is ready now.
I've write books and do regular podcasts, teaching in all I do what T.D. Michael gave me to give to the world, persisting in a hermit-like existence as his channel and scribe. I am here to help because I love you with the love of The Christ which infilled my being and displaced the old me while I was in The Lustrous Vast.
Presently, my reading and coaching sessions are officially for forty minutes, and I ask just $100 even though sessions always run over by fifteen to thirty minutes. Given that other tarot/astrology readers do not coach or teach you how to control your runaway mind, and that they do not meet clients face to face, but they still charge $200 or more for a 30 minute pre-recorded reading—$100 is a steal. And that's okay. After all, I'm not here, doing all this, just to make money, although I, like everyone, need money to live. I'm here to reach as many people as possible with T.D. Michael's message, which we call 'The Liberating Perspective.'
I truly love you and want to see you free of the emotional burdens that keep you from experiencing your godly estate and the lasting joy that is your birthright and inheritance as a child of Source. Click the 'Schedule a Session' button below, please and lock in the lower rate now.
I so look forward to helping you, and I can hardly wait to meet you."